Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon: Explore the Key Differences

For centuries, wine has held a significant place in human culture, captivating our senses with its unparalleled complexity and depth of flavors. Among the vast array of wine varieties, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon have emerged as two of the most beloved and popular choices.

So, Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon: Key Differences

In this comprehensive guide, we will analyze the distinctive characteristics of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines, exploring their flavor profiles, ideal food pairings, and essential considerations for successfully pairing them with various dishes. 



Cabernet Sauvignon

Origin Bordeaux, France Bordeaux x, France
(but grown worldwide)
Primary Flavor Profile Ripe red fruits,  Blackcurrant,
plums, cherries,  blackberry, dark cherry
Tannin Level Lower Higher
Acidity Level Balanced Higher
Body Medium to Full Full
Aging Potential Moderate High
Common Food Pairings Roasted meats, pasta dishes, cheeses Grilled red meats, hearty stews
pasta dishes, cheeses hearty stews
ABV 13% to 14.5% 13.5% to 15%
Price Range Varied Varied
Style Variations Bordeaux Style (lighter) Bordeaux Style (bold)
International Style International Style
(full-bodied) (full-bodied)

Please note that this table provides a general overview, and individual bottles of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon may vary in taste and characteristics based on winemaking techniques, region of production, and specific vineyard practices.

1. Overview of Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon

1.1. About Merlot

About Merlot
France’s Cabernet region gave birth to Merlot, which is still the most popular grape variety grown there. (Source: Internet)

Merlot, originating from the Cabernet region in France, remains the most widely grown grape there. However, it is now cultivated and produced across the world.

The flavor profile of Merlot can vary significantly depending on the winemaking method employed, which can be categorized into two common approaches.

The “Bordeaux Style” of Merlot production, less commonly used but found in Old World wine regions, involves harvesting the grapes early. This results in a medium-bodied wine with more noticeable acidity and fresh, young notes of red berries.

In contrast, the “International Style” involves harvesting the grapes later in the season when they have reached a higher level of ripeness.

This later harvest produces more mature grapes with a balanced natural sugar content. The resulting wine is full-bodied, with flavor notes progressing from red berries like strawberries and raspberries to darker fruits like blackberries and plums.

While the Bordeaux Style is predominantly practiced in Bordeaux, not all wineries in the region follow this approach, and many have adopted the International Style instead. Additionally, wines produced in cooler climates tend to have a higher acidity, while those from warmer climates develop jammy and fruitier flavors.

The choice of food pairing for Merlot depends on the type of Merlot you have. If you have a cooler climate or Bordeaux-style wine, it pairs well with dishes rich in umami and salt flavors, such as mushroom sauces, bacon, or salmon. The fruitiness of the wine complements these flavors perfectly.

International Style Merlots can be paired similarly to Cabernet. The tannins present in full-bodied Merlots make them ideal companions for dishes high in fat, like steaks. The tannins and fat bind together, enhancing the flavors of both the wine and the steak.

Understanding the production style and characteristics of Merlot allows you to select the appropriate pairing that enhances the wine’s qualities and elevates your dining experience.

1.2. About Cabernet Sauvignon

About Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular and widely recognized. (Source: Internet)

As mentioned earlier, Cabernet encompasses various types of wine, but Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular and widely recognized. It is a hybrid of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc and originated in the southwestern region of France. Its popularity among winemakers stems from its ease of cultivation.

The taste and flavors of Cabernet Sauvignon can be significantly influenced by its production methods. The use of oak barrels for aging or fermentation and the level of maceration (skin-to-grape contact) play crucial roles in shaping its profile, particularly the level of tannins in the wine.

Extended maceration periods result in higher tannin levels, which require more aging to soften the wine’s harshness. Cabernet’s inherent high tannin content and natural acidity make it an excellent choice for aging.

When Cabernet Sauvignon is aged or fermented in oak barrels, it develops notes of tobacco, vanilla, and leather. In cooler climates, expect higher acidity alongside flavors of blackberries, cedar, and green bell peppers. Warmer climates yield flavors of blackcurrant and black cherry. Generally, the warmer the climate, the sweeter and fruitier (or more “jammy”) the wine becomes.

Cabernet Sauvignon pairs exceptionally well with dishes rich in fat, such as flavorful cuts of steak. The tannins in Cabernet bind with the fat in the steak, enhancing the flavors of both.

Understanding the production methods and flavor characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon helps in selecting appropriate food pairings and appreciating the nuances of this beloved wine variety.

2. Pros & Cons of Each Wine

2.1. Merlot


  • Approachable and Smooth: Merlot wines are known for their smooth and velvety texture, making them easy to drink and enjoy.
  • Fruit-Forward: Merlot often displays ripe fruit flavors such as plums, cherries, and berries, making it appealing to those who prefer a fruit-forward profile.
  • Versatility: Merlot pairs well with a wide range of foods, including roasted meats, poultry, pasta dishes, and cheeses.
  • Early Enjoyment: Merlot wines are generally meant to be consumed earlier, requiring less aging compared to some other red wine varietals.
  • Softer Tannins: Merlot typically has lower tannin levels than Cabernet Sauvignon, resulting in a smoother and less astringent mouthfeel.


  • Variability: The quality and style of Merlot can vary significantly, as it is grown in various regions around the world. Some Merlot wines may lack complexity or depth.
  • Vulnerability to Climate: Merlot grapes are more sensitive to climate conditions, and extreme heat or rain can impact their quality and flavor.
  • Lack of Aging Potential: While some high-quality Merlots can age well, many are best consumed within a few years of their vintage due to their softer structure.

2.2. Cabernet Sauvignon


  • Bold and Robust: Cabernet Sauvignon wines are known for their rich and intense flavors, often featuring blackcurrant, blackberry, and dark cherry notes.
  • Ageability: Cabernet Sauvignon has excellent aging potential, with the ability to develop complexity, tertiary flavors, and a smoother texture over time.
  • Food Pairing Versatility: Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with a wide variety of foods, especially red meats, grilled dishes, and hearty stews.
  • Structure and Tannins: Cabernet Sauvignon offers a firm tannic structure, contributing to a longer and more structured finish.
  • Wide Availability: Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most widely planted and recognized red wine grapes globally, making it accessible to wine enthusiasts.


  • Intensity and Boldness: The robust nature of Cabernet Sauvignon may be too overpowering for some palates, particularly those who prefer lighter or more delicate wines.
  • Longer Aging Requirements: While aging is a positive attribute for some, it can also be a disadvantage for those who prefer to drink wine soon after purchase.
  • Higher Tannins: Cabernet Sauvignon often has higher tannin levels, resulting in a drier and more astringent mouthfeel, which may not appeal to everyone.
  • Price Range: High-quality Cabernet Sauvignon wines from prestigious regions can be quite expensive, limiting accessibility for some consumers.

Based on the pros and cons mentioned above, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon are suitable for different types of wine drinkers.

Merlot is suitable for wine drinkers who prefer smooth and approachable wines with a velvety texture. Trong khi đó, Cabernet Sauvignon is suitable for wine drinkers who appreciate bold and robust wines with rich and intense flavors.

The choice between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon depends on personal preferences, taste preferences, and the occasion or meal you are pairing the wine with.

3. The Difference Between Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon

3.1. Origins

Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon are two popular red wine varietals that offer distinct characteristics. Here is a brief overview of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon from the perspective of regions and wine styles:


  • Merlot is known for its softness, approachability, and smooth texture.
  • It is cultivated in various wine regions around the world, including France, Italy, the United States, Chile, and Australia.
  • In France, particularly in Bordeaux, Merlot is often blended with other grape varietals, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, to create well-balanced wines.
  • Merlot wines from Bordeaux typically exhibit flavors of ripe red fruits, plums, and sometimes herbal or earthy notes.
  • In warmer regions like California and Chile, Merlot can showcase riper fruit flavors and a fuller body.

Cabernet Sauvignon:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its boldness, rich tannins, and aging potential.
  • It is widely grown across the globe, with notable production in Bordeaux (France), California (United States), Australia, and Chile.
  • In Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon is often blended with other grapes like Merlot and Cabernet Franc to create complex and structured wines.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon wines are characterized by blackcurrant, blackberry, and sometimes herbal or cedar notes.
  • In regions with a warmer climate, such as California and Australia, Cabernet Sauvignon can display riper fruit flavors and a more opulent style.

While both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon are red wines, they differ in terms of texture, flavor profile, and aging potential. Merlot tends to be softer and more approachable, while Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its bolder and more structured nature. The specific style and flavor of these wines can also vary depending on the region in which they are produced.

3.2. Tannin Level

Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its firm and robust tannins. These tannins can create a drying and astringent sensation in the mouth, especially in young Cabernet Sauvignon wines. As Cabernet Sauvignon ages, the tannins tend to soften and become more integrated, resulting in a smoother texture.

Merlot generally has lower tannin levels compared to Cabernet Sauvignon. Merlot’s tannins are typically softer and more supple, contributing to a smoother and more approachable mouthfeel. Merlot wines often exhibit a silkier texture and are considered less tannic than Cabernet Sauvignon.

Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon differ in their tannin levels, with Cabernet Sauvignon typically having higher tannins compared to Merlot.

Ultimately, the difference in tannin levels between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon contributes to their distinct characteristics and plays a role in their overall flavor profiles and aging potentials.

3.3. Acidity Level

Cabernet Sauvignon grapes naturally have higher acidity levels, which can be attributed to factors such as climate, soil conditions, and grape physiology. The higher acidity in Cabernet Sauvignon wines provides a crisp and vibrant sensation on the palate, balancing the wine’s intense fruit flavors and tannins. This acidity helps to provide structure and longevity to Cabernet Sauvignon, making it well-suited for aging.

Merlot, on the other hand, typically has lower acidity compared to Cabernet Sauvignon. Merlot grapes tend to be less acidic naturally, resulting in wines that exhibit a softer and rounder mouthfeel. The lower acidity in Merlot contributes to its approachability and smoothness, often making it more immediately enjoyable and less dependent on aging.

Overall, while Cabernet Sauvignon generally exhibits higher acidity compared to Merlot, both varietals can produce balanced and enjoyable wines with the right combination of acidity, tannins, and fruit flavors.

3.4. Aging Potential 

The aging potential of a wine refers to how well it can develop and improve over time with proper storage conditions.

Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its ability to age gracefully and can often benefit from bottle aging. The wine’s high tannin levels, intense flavors, and firm structure contribute to its aging potential.

As Cabernet Sauvignon matures, the tannins soften and integrate, allowing the wine to develop complexity, secondary aromas, and a smoother texture. Well-made Cabernet Sauvignon from renowned regions like Bordeaux and Napa Valley can age for several decades, revealing additional layers of flavor and nuances over time.

Merlot, on the other hand, generally has a shorter aging potential compared to Cabernet Sauvignon. While some Merlot wines can benefit from a few years of bottle aging, they are generally considered more approachable and enjoyable in their youth.

Merlot’s lower tannin levels and softer structure make it more accessible and ready to drink earlier than Cabernet Sauvignon. However, there are exceptions, and certain high-quality Merlot wines from prestigious regions like Pomerol in Bordeaux can also age well and develop complexity over time.

In summary, Cabernet Sauvignon generally has a greater aging potential compared to Merlot due to its higher tannin levels, intense flavors, and structured nature.

However, there are exceptional examples of both varietals that can age beautifully when produced from high-quality grapes and handled with care.

3.5. Common Food Pairings

Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon are both versatile red wines that pair well with a variety of foods. Here are some common food pairings for Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon:


  • Merlot’s softer tannins and approachable nature make it a great match for a range of dishes.
  • It pairs well with red meats such as roast beef, lamb, and grilled steak. The wine’s fruitiness complements the richness of these meats.
  • Merlot also pairs nicely with poultry dishes like roasted chicken or duck, as well as game birds such as quail or pheasant.
  • It can be a good choice for tomato-based pasta dishes, including spaghetti Bolognese or lasagna.
  • Merlot’s smoothness and moderate acidity make it a pleasant accompaniment to mushroom-based dishes like mushroom risotto or grilled portobello mushrooms.
  • For cheese pairings, Merlot goes well with medium-bodied and semi-hard cheeses like Gouda, Cheddar, or Manchego.

Cabernet Sauvignon:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon’s bold structure and higher tannins make it a great match for rich and flavorful foods.
  • It pairs exceptionally well with grilled or roasted red meats such as steak, beef stew, or rack of lamb. The wine’s robustness stands up to the intensity of these dishes.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon also pairs well with hearty dishes like braised short ribs or venison.
  • It can be a good choice for aged and hard cheeses like aged Cheddar, Gruyere, or Parmesan.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon’s intensity and depth of flavor make it a good companion for dishes with herbal or earthy elements, such as rosemary-infused roasted vegetables or wild mushroom risotto.
  • Dark chocolate desserts can also be a delightful pairing with Cabernet Sauvignon, as the wine’s tannins can complement the richness and bitterness of the chocolate.

Personal taste preferences should guide the choice of food pairings with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Experimentation and exploration can lead to discovering exciting flavor combinations.

3.6. Price Range

The price range of both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon can vary significantly depending on factors such as the region of production, winery reputation, vintage, and quality. Here is a general overview of the price range for these wines:


Entry-level or more affordable Merlot wines can be found in the range of $10 to $20 per bottle. These wines are often produced in larger quantities and may come from various regions around the world.

Mid-range Merlot wines typically fall in the range of $20 to $40 per bottle. These wines may offer better quality, more distinct regional characteristics, and sometimes limited production.

Higher-end or premium Merlot wines can range from $40 to several hundred dollars per bottle. These wines often come from renowned regions or specific vineyards known for producing exceptional Merlot, and they may have undergone extensive aging or be from older vintages.

Cabernet Sauvignon:

Entry-level Cabernet Sauvignon wines are generally priced between $10 and $20 per bottle. These wines can offer good value and are often produced in larger quantities from various regions.

Mid-range Cabernet Sauvignon wines typically range from $20 to $50 per bottle. They may showcase better quality, more defined regional characteristics, and sometimes limited production or vineyard designations.

Higher-end or premium Cabernet Sauvignon wines can be found in the range of $50 to several hundred dollars per bottle. These wines are often from renowned regions such as Napa Valley, Bordeaux, or top-tier wineries, and they may have undergone extensive aging or be from highly sought-after vintages.

Generally, high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon wines from prestigious regions can command higher prices compared to Merlot wines. Cabernet Sauvignon is often associated with prestigious wine regions like Bordeaux in France or Napa Valley in California, where prices can be higher due to factors such as reputation, demand, and production costs.

However, it’s important to note that there is a wide range of prices for both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, and it’s possible to find affordable options of both varietals as well. Ultimately, the average price of these wines can vary depending on individual bottles and specific market conditions.

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4. Taste & Flavor Profile Comparison

Taste and flavor profiles of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon can vary based on factors such as the region of production, winemaking techniques, and aging processes. Here is a general comparison of their taste and flavor characteristics:

Taste & Flavor Profile Comparison
Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon’s taste and flavor profiles can differ depending on the region of production, winemaking methods, and aging procedures. (Source: Internet)


  • Soft and Smooth: Merlot wines are known for their smooth and approachable character.
  • Fruit-Forward: Merlot often exhibits flavors of ripe red fruits such as plums, cherries, and berries. Some Merlots may also showcase notes of chocolate and herbs.
  • Medium to Full-Bodied: Merlot typically has a medium to full body, offering a pleasant mouthfeel without being overly heavy.
  • Lower Tannins: Merlot wines tend to have softer tannins compared to Cabernet Sauvignon, resulting in a less astringent sensation on the palate.
  • Balanced Acidity: Merlot usually maintains a good balance of acidity, contributing to its overall smoothness.

Cabernet Sauvignon:

  • Rich and Bold: Cabernet Sauvignon is known for its bold and intense flavors, often dominated by blackcurrant, blackberry, and dark cherry notes.
  • Structured and Tannic: Cabernet Sauvignon typically has higher levels of tannins, which provide structure and contribute to its long-aging potential.
  • Full-Bodied: Cabernet Sauvignon is generally full-bodied, offering a rich and substantial mouthfeel.
  • Complex and Age-Worthy: Cabernet Sauvignon wines can develop complex flavors over time, with secondary and tertiary characteristics such as cedar, tobacco, and leather emerging with aging.
  • Higher Acidity: Cabernet Sauvignon often exhibits higher acidity levels, which can contribute to its overall freshness and balance.

It’s important to note that individual wine bottles can still exhibit variations within these general profiles due to winemaking techniques and regional influences. Wine tasting is subjective, and personal preferences may play a significant role in determining which profile is more appealing to an individual’s taste.

5. Food Pairings for Each Type of Wine

5.1. Pairing Merlot with food

Merlot offers a soft and fruity flavor profile that harmonizes well with a range of culinary choices. It pairs excellently with dishes that are not overly heavy or spicy, allowing the wine’s distinctive flavors to shine.

For instance, a classic pairing for Merlot involves roasted chicken or pork seasoned with herbs, accompanied by roasted vegetables. The light flavors of the meat and vegetables complement the wine’s smooth texture and fruity notes.

Other suitable food companions for Merlot include tomato-based dishes like spaghetti with meat sauce, lasagna, or pizza. The acidity of the tomatoes complements the fruitiness of the wine, resulting in a delightful combination.

Another delightful pairing is grilled salmon served with creamy risotto. The rich, buttery texture of the risotto and the tender flakiness of the salmon complement the velvety texture of Merlot.

When selecting food to pair with Merlot, it is essential to consider the textures and flavors of both the dish and the wine. Lighter meats and tomato-based dishes complement Merlot’s soft texture and fruity character, while heavier meats and spicy dishes can overpower the delicate flavors of the wine.

5.2. Pairing Cabernet Sauvignon with food

Cabernet Sauvignon boasts a bold and full-bodied flavor profile that thrives alongside rich and hearty dishes. The perfect food pairings for Cabernet Sauvignon are those with robust flavors that can match the wine’s intensity.

A classic combination is a succulent steak accompanied by roasted potatoes. The meat’s bold and savory notes harmonize with the wine’s full-bodied character, culminating in a delightful culinary experience.

Other excellent food choices to accompany Cabernet Sauvignon include robust cheeses like cheddar or blue cheese, grilled lamb chops, and dark chocolate.

The complex and intense flavors of these dishes complement the wine’s boldness, resulting in a well-balanced blend of tastes.

When matching Cabernet Sauvignon with food, it is essential to consider the strength of flavors in both the dish and the wine. Rich and hearty dishes align harmoniously with the wine’s boldness, while lighter dishes may be overwhelmed by its powerful flavors.

6. How to Select Quality Varietals

When it comes to selecting quality varietals of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, there are a few key factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you choose the best options:

1. Region: 

Pay attention to the region where the wines are produced. Certain regions are renowned for producing exceptional Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. 

For Merlot, regions like Bordeaux in France, California in the United States, and Tuscany in Italy are known for their high-quality offerings. For Cabernet Sauvignon, regions such as Napa Valley in California, Bordeaux in France, and Coonawarra in Australia are esteemed.

2. Vintage: 

Consider the vintage of the wine, which refers to the year the grapes were harvested. Some vintages may be exceptional, characterized by ideal weather conditions and optimal grape quality, while others may be more challenging. 

Look for reviews or consult with experts to determine which vintages are considered outstanding for Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

3. Producer/Winemaker: 

Research and choose reputable producers or winemakers known for their commitment to quality. Established and respected wineries often have a track record of producing consistent and exceptional wines. Look for information about their winemaking practices, expertise, and awards or accolades they have received.

4. Tasting Notes: 

Read tasting notes or descriptions of the wines to get an idea of their flavor profiles and characteristics. Look for terms that align with your preferences, such as “velvety,” “fruity,” “full-bodied,” or “structured.” Consider your taste preferences and the occasion for which you’re selecting the wine.

5. Price: 

While price is not always an indicator of quality, it can be helpful to set a budget and seek wines within that range. It’s possible to find excellent quality Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon at various price points. Explore different price ranges to find wines that offer great value for their quality.

6. Recommendations and Reviews:

Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as wine experts, sommeliers, or experienced wine enthusiasts. They can provide valuable insights and suggest specific Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon labels that have garnered positive reviews or are highly regarded within the wine community.

7. FAQs

7.1. Compared to Cabernet, is Merlot wine sweeter?

Merlot tends to taste a little bit sweeter because it lacks the intense tannin levels and earthiness of Cabernet Sauvignon.

7.2. Which wine, Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon, is less dry?

While there may be some instances where a Merlot feels “dryer” than a Cabernet, most Cabernet Sauvignons tend to have a dryer aftertaste than most Merlots.

7.3. What red wine is the most popular?

The most widely consumed wine is likely Cabernet Sauvignon. Despite being produced in numerous locations around the globe, it is a product of the renowned Bordeaux region. The red of Cabernet Sauvignon is a bit darker and leans slightly toward plum tones.

7.4. Merlot is heavier than Cabernet, right?

Compared to Merlot’s medium-body, snappier finish, the body of cabernet sauvignon is fuller, heavier, and more robust.

7.5. Which contains more booze Cabernet or Merlot?

Therefore, grapes with high residual sugar will result in a dry wine with a high alcohol by volume. The typical ABV range for Cabernet Sauvignon is 13% to 15%, whereas the typical ABV range for Merlot is 13% to 14.5%, depending on the style.

7.6. Which red wine has the best smoothness? 

Because they typically contain little tannin, grape varieties like Merlot, Gamay, Pinot Noir, and Grenache are thought of as smooth.

7.7. Why combine Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot?

Merlot adds body, texture, and mellowness, which fleshes out Cabernet Sauvignon’s tannic foundation and tempers its abrasive acidity. Both varieties adapt well to oak, and the combination of fruitiness, tannins, and acidity makes them extremely aging-friendly and highly complex.

7.8. Is Cabernet suitable for novices?

You can learn more about various grape profiles by drinking good red wine for beginners. The best red wines for novices are Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Grenache, Malbec, and Zinfandel. and in that order. You’ll discover how each grape’s profile varies by trying several bottles of each wine.

7.9. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon: Which is lighter?

Merlot is frequently the best option for those looking for a lighter red wine with flavors of blackberry, raspberry, and cassis and light acidity. However, Cabernet Sauvignon is typically more suitable for those who want a fuller variety with earthy flavors like dark cherry or plum.

7.10. Do you use Merlot or Cabernet when you cook?

The wines Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir are your friends if you’re cooking stew, beef, or lamb. Merlot is the wine to use when cooking chicken, duck, or pork. Pinot Noir is the wine of choice when cooking seafood. Consider using a light Merlot or Chianti when you’re cooking vegetables or sauce.

8. Conclusion

Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon: What’s the Difference? To summarize, both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon offer unique qualities and are highly regarded wines. When it comes to selecting quality varietals, consider factors such as the region of production, the vintage, the reputation of the producer or winemaker, and the tasting notes of the wines. 

Additionally, seek recommendations from trusted sources and explore different price ranges to find wines that suit your preferences and offer good value. 

Ultimately, pairing these wines with the right dishes can enhance your dining experience and create memorable flavor combinations. By taking these considerations into account, you’ll be well-equipped to choose quality Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines that will delight your palate.

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