How Long is Moscato Good for After Opening?

You may be curious about how long Moscato lasts after opening as it is a more popular drink among wine enthusiasts and foodies alike. While certain wines benefit from prolonged age, others are best enjoyed immediately after purchase. Which group does Moscato wine belong to? You may find an answer to your question while reading our article How Long Is Moscato Good For After Opening?

1. How Long is Moscato Good for After Opening?

Once opened, Moscato may remain fresh for one to three days, although most of the sparkling will have been gone, along with some of its more flowery smells. Here are some more information about how long some types of Moscato usually last:

Opened (refrigerated and re-corked)

Higher Acidity Moscato

2-3 days sweet

Sweet Moscato

1-2 days


3-5 days

How long is Moscato good for after opening?
A bottle of opened Moscato can last 3 to 5 days if stored properly. (Source: Internet)

If you’re asking how long an unsealed bottle of Moscato is still good, the answer is often a few days at most, depending on the condition of the wine and the way you keep it. However, if the question you’re asking is about the drinkability of a bottle of Moscato once it has been opened, the answer is vary.

The answer is dependent on several factors, the most important of which is YOUR palate. In other words, how sensitive you are to variations in flavor. Your wine will not taste the same after an entire day of preservation, but that does not mean it is terrible.

Without going into too many specifics, a wine that is refrigerated after pouring using a stopper or cork should last typically 2-4 days. Check it out. Some folks are still drinking wine seven days afterward. Furthermore, it won’t go “bad” in the way of “unsafe.” It will just taste unpleasant. 

Generally speaking, if stored appropriately, a bottle of opened Moscato can survive for 3 to 5 days.

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2. How long is Moscato good if it’s unopened?

How long is Moscato good if it’s unopened?
A good Moscato may last 3-5 years unopened, depending on how it is preserved. (Source: Internet)

Because the wine is meticulously sealed during the bottling process, unopened Moscato may last much longer than opened Moscato. Here, storage is crucial, and improper wine storage may be the major cause of wine’s short shelf life.

A good Moscato may last 3-5 years unopened, depending on how it is preserved. The shelf life of Moscato varies on a variety of aspects, such as the variety of Moscato and storage circumstances. 

Based on the variety of Moscato, here are some answers for you to refer to:



5-10 years (maybe more)

Higher Acidity Moscato

2-3 years

Sweet Moscato

~ 1 year

3. Basic information about Moscato

3.1. Origin: 

Moscato d’Asti is a softly sparkling white wine made in the northwest Italian provinces of Asti, Alessandria, and Cuneo.  The wine is famous for its low alcohol content and sweetness.  It is created from the Moscato Bianco grape. Moscato d’Asti, part of the Muscat grapes family, may be linked back to Greek roots.

3.2. Style:

There are commonly five types of Moscato: Italian style Moscato d’Asti (semi-sparkling) and Asti Spumante (sparkling); Still Moscato (Muscat); Pink Moscato; Red Moscato (Black Muscat); and Moscato Dessert Wines.

3.3. Tasting notes:

Moscato often contains significant levels of residual sugar, which gives it a strong sweetness in contrast to dry wine types. Peach and apricot tastes and orange flower scents are the most typical Moscato tasting characteristics.

3.4. ABV:

Moscato has between 5 and 10 percent alcohol. Being the sweetest (maybe) among white wines available, Moscato has a lower alcohol percentage than many dry wines. Some Moscatos have had the majority of the alcohol removed for non-drinkers. A different example is Fortified Moscato, which has an alcohol content of 18%.

3.5. Food pairings:

Moscato wine pairs well with spicy meals like curries and seasoned chicken wings because it is sweet. It makes a great accompaniment to a charcuterie that includes Brie cheese, crisp, fresh veggies, almonds, and chile seeds. A glass of Moscato always works perfectly with rice pudding, vanilla ice cream, and crème brûlée.

4. How to store opened Moscato?

Here are some tips to store an opened Moscato:

#1: Try to seal your Moscato by recorking the bottle

After you’ve poured the proper amount of Moscato, be sure to firmly cork the bottle. By doing so, the oxidation process will be slowed down and excessive oxygen exposure will be avoided. To make your Moscato last longer, try to keep it sealed as tight as possible.

#2: Avoid light and heat exposure.

Even when the container is sealed, heat and sunlight can quicken the aging of Moscato.

To ensure that the opened bottle’s quality is preserved for as much time as possible, it must be kept in a cool, dark location away from heat sources and direct sunlight.

#3: Place your opened bottle of Moscato upright 

This helps to decrease the quantity of oxygen touching the wine, which reduces the likelihood of wine defects forming.

#4: Use tools for wine preservation

Purchasing wine preservation equipment, such as vacuum pumps or wine stoppers, can help extend the lifespan of opened Moscato.

With less oxidation and preservation of the wine’s characteristics and aromas, these instruments aid in removing extra air from the bottle.

#5: Maintain a consistent temperature when storing wine.

The best place to keep open bottles of Moscato is in a freestanding wine refrigerator. Opened Moscato should be kept in the fridge to maintain its flavor and freshness.

The wine’s quality is kept longer because of the cooling temperature, which slows off oxidation. Though it’s preferable to drink the wine soon after receiving it because refrigeration might tame its tastes and fragrances.

5. How to store unopened Moscato?

Your chances of maintaining wine properly depend on how you store it. Your Moscato may last until you’re ready to open, sip, and enjoy it if it’s stored properly.

Some tips to store your unopened Moscato will be in the short instructions below. 

#1: Maintain the right temperature when storing. 

By far, the most important element affecting the quality of wine preserved is temperature. The most frequent reasons why any wine fails are excessively warm or cold temperatures. Although it could differ from wine to wine, the best temp for long-term wine preservation is generally approximately 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

#2: Maintain the right humidity levels when storing Moscato. Extremes of humidity in the storage space might shorten the possible shelf life of your wine. Lower humidity levels lead the cork to dry up, leaving the wine with low oxygen levels. Your labels may be destroyed by high humidity. Your storage space’s humidity level should range from 60 to 68 percent. Dehumidifiers are also beneficial.

#3: Place corked bottles horizontally in storage.

Be sure that you keep your Moscato horizontally and with cork fastenings. It is crucial for wine storage to maintain the cork wet, which is made easier by turning the bottle of wine on its side. The cork will age too quickly if it is dried out. 

#4: Avoid vibration and light on the wine. 

Try to preserve your wine as black as you can, even if you’re just keeping the Moscato for a few days. Many have heard that Moscato might be especially vulnerable to UV radiation from direct sunlight while keeping wine for some time. Additionally, you should keep the bottle away from any potential vibration sources, such as dryers and washers or workout equipment in a gym. 

6. Does Moscato get spoiled and what are some signs to know when your Moscato has gone wrong?

If the Moscato is left in a car with exposure to sunshine, it will probably taste bitter. There are some signs to know that your Moscato might have gone bad.

No.1: Unusual Odor

Your Moscato is probably spoiled if it has a strong, disagreeable smell when it is opened.

The wine may have a musty, vinegary, or rotting fruit aroma. If the wine doesn’t smell right, trust your nose and toss it.

No. 2: Flatness or Fizziness

Moscato is renowned for its gentle fizz. Your opened bottle may have gone bad if it no longer fizzes or seems flat.

No. 3: Uncertain Appearance

The first sign of a fresh, well-preserved Moscato is its clean, translucent look.

The wine should be thrown away if it seems murky or contains sediment because it may have deteriorated.

No. 4: Unpleasant Taste

Moscato can acquire an acidic or bitter flavor when wine goes bad. It’s recommended to stay away from wine if it tastes weird or bad.

No. 5: Changes in Color

Moscato may have a wide range of colors, but any noticeable changes in tone could be signs of deterioration.

It is recommended to err on the safer side of caution and avoid drinking the wine if it has become brown, orange, or has undergone other strange color changes.

7. Should unopened Moscato be kept in the fridge?

The answer is yes. Moscato needs to be cooled. The ideal storage temperature for Moscato wines is 12–15 °C (55–59 °F). Our advice is to keep the unopened wine in a specialized wine fridge to store it more properly. 

Unopened Moscato is ideal for storage in built-in wine refrigerators. These specialized wine refrigerators allow you to keep the bottles on their sides and have stable temperatures.

Although you may keep sealed Moscato in a regular refrigerator, we don’t suggest doing so for extended periods. They are frequently colder and drier than specialized wine refrigerators, which may hasten the aging of your wine.

8. How to enjoy Moscato in the best way?

Two factors affect Moscato’s taste: Temperature and Type of glass.

  • Temperature:

To bring out the fruit and floral characteristics of the Moscato wine and to increase its sweetness, it is best served cold. Red Moscato has to be just slightly cooled at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas White, Pink, and Moscato should be drunk at about 45 degrees Fahrenheit. To keep sparkling Moscato’s light, crisp, effervescent sweetness, it should be served a little cooler, at approximately 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Type of glass:

It’s crucial to use the correct glass when sipping Moscato. White wine glasses are the ideal choice. The wine will be able to breathe in this style of glass, which will assist to bring out the details.

Use a flute glass while drinking sparkling Moscato wine. Use a typical white wine glass for still Moscato wines. Use a glass with a narrower hole if at all possible. 

It is simpler to maintain the wine’s pleasant aromas in the glass because of its smaller form. As the wine is in a smaller area, it also makes it easier to recognize the scents. Additionally, your Moscato is more likely to stay chilled if the glass is smaller.

9. What should we do with leftover Moscato?

To prevent wasting, it might be difficult to know what to do with leftover wine, and Moscato is no exception. Try using leftover Moscato in your cooking if you’re not intending to drink it to give foods more flavor and depth. We have two recommendations for you to cook if you have leftover Moscato:

  • Pears and Moscato – This recipe is incredibly simple and takes almost an entire bottle of Moscato combined with a touch of honey to soften and taste lovely ripe pears. Even better, the poached pears may be cut into slices and kept for later use with a scoop of ice cream or Greek yogurt.
  • Apples and Moscato: Apples and prunes are slowly baked in a wine bath scented with brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. This is not only an excellent way to utilize some extra Moscato, but it’s also the ideal nutritious treat for autumn.

You can also freeze your leftover Moscato wine in your fridge; simply store it in a freezer-safe container and pull it out whenever your next recipe calls for white wine.

10. FAQs

Q: Does Moscato need to be chilled?

Yes, you may store wine in the refrigerator, and doing so will help it meet the ideal serving temperature. Before serving, Moscato should be chilled to the ideal serving temperature.

Q: Where is Moscato’s expiration date?

Wines may not always have an expiration date, but if they do, it will usually be printed on the bottom of the front or back of the bottle. You may also seek it in its packaging if you cannot locate it in its bottle. The dates of the wine’s expiry are occasionally printed on the box.

Q: Does Moscato spoil in the refrigerator?

For approximately three to four days in the fridge, a reseal Moscato will be OK. Unless other items, such as wine vacuum equipment or caravan, are utilized in the process, the screw tops and corks offer the same lifespan after opening.

Q: How long does opened wine last?

Depending on how heavy or light it is, a wine’s lifespan after opening is generally somewhere in the range of three to five days.

Q: Can you drink wine that has already been opened?

A bottle of wine that has already been opened won’t make you queasy. It normally takes at least a few days for the wine to taste different. We wouldn’t urge you to take this too far, though.

Q: How can you tell whether Moscato is bad?

A spoiled Moscato wine can be identified by a few distinct symptoms.

If you’re drinking sparkling Moscato and there are no longer any bubbles in the container and the wine feels flat, it’s likely that the Moscato has lost its flavor and should not be consumed. The Moscato will likely taste bad if it smells bad.

Q: What kind of wine is Moscato?

Moscato is a low-alcohol rosé or white wine that goes ideally with sweets and starters. It is sweet and effervescent. Moscatos are created from the Muscat grape, a table fruit that is also used to make raisins, and frequently include nectarine, orange blossom, and sweet peach tastes.

Q: Can Moscato be frozen?

Yes, even though it isn’t customary. Wine may be frozen! You obviously won’t want to drink the frozen wine directly out of the glass because it won’t taste exactly like it did when it thaws. However, you can still make chilled wines like sangria with it, and iced wine is also excellent for cooking.

11. Conclusion

The article ”How long is Moscato good for after opening?” has shown several factors, including the style, how it was stored, and even your palate. While a bottle of opened Moscato wine can still be enjoyed after five days, an unopened bottle may last a maximum of five years when stored properly. I hope you found our content informative.

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